  • ksiazka

(scientific editor) Artur Życki

The Glossary of Political Science. European Union Visegrad Countries East Europe

  • ISBN: 978-83-8019-127-3
  • Data wydania: 2015
  • Liczba stron: 163
978-83-8019-127-3/(scientific editor) Artur Życki /2015/163
5,00 £

In this publication we try to show the European Union as an attractive organization for the states that aspire to the accession, which are both the states - candidates, as well as those which are engaged in the Eastern Partnership. The Glossary is addressed to the wide circle of readers, especially students, who take part in the Erasmus Programme; therefore, the language of the publication is English.


                                                                     From Introduction


The Glossary of Political Science. European Union Visegrad Countries East Europe (scientific editor) Artur Życki
978-83-8019-127-3/(scientific editor) Artur Życki /2015/163

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