The volume EARLY SUPPORT FOR A CHILD WITH A DISABILITY IN THE POLISH AND INTERNATONAL PERSPECTIVE is the eight publication in the series INternational Forum dor Education. It emphasise the importance of integrated initiatives encompassing health, education and social assistance, with a shift in focus from support adminisered by specialist solely to children , towards embracing the whole family, seen as their natural developmental encironment.
In recent years, significant changes have been apparent in the paradigms of recognising disabilities. They are associated with the evolution of medical, psychological and pedagogical knowledge, which is related to the foundations and mechanisms of assistance provided to families with children whose development is maimed by irregularities.
Despite the differences in terminology, the studies presented in the volume emphasise the importance of multidisciplinary, comprehensive, but also coordinates initiatives of diagnostic, rehabilitattive and therapeutic character, aimed at children with disabilities and their families.
This publication is made up of three parts, with psychological aspects of ECDS addressed in the firs part, the second focusing on the problems of ECDS provided to children with different disabilities and the third part containing studies tkat make it possinle to learn about the assumptions and the implementation of ECDS in selected European countries.
Please note that a subsequent volume SUPPORTING THE DEVELOPMENT OF CHILDREN WHO ARE ,,AT RISK” is in preparation. All types of contributions and suggestions concerning further areas of interest within the series will be welcomed and duly considered.
Editors of the volume:
Jarosław Bąbka, Anna I. Brzezińska