  • ksiazka

Erik Bratland, Dorota Siemieniecka, Bronisław

Knowledge, Ict and Education - A Variety of Perspectives

  • ISBN: 978-83-8019-319-2
  • Published:: undefined
  • Pages:: undefined
978-83-8019-319-2/Erik Bratland, Dorota Siemieniecka, Bronisław
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Knowledgehas becomethe centralcategoryin contemporaryneoliberal educationreforms.At the sametime,itbecomes increasinglyunclear whatwecan understandwithknowledgein education.The expandedconcept of knowledge, with an emphasis oncompetence and skills, has been characterized asbeing emptyorrhetorical. An implicitconsequence of this developmentis thatknowledgeis no longerunderstoodas something thatis objective andtrue.Foreducation, this developmentisproblematic. Whenknowledgeis no longera distinctcategory, the purpose of education becomes elusive.

The presentneoliberaleducationhave opened upforan extensive use ofICT in education. Althoughthe use ofdigitaltechnology in educationcan be seenindependently ofan expandedconcept of knowledge, ICT isbeing used asan argumentin favor ofan alternativeconcept of knowledgein education.Throughthis development,the expandedconcept of knowledgeachievesapedagogicaljustification, whether it is related topost-modernism, constructivism, socioculturaltheory orconnectivism. Thisline of argumentimpliesa shift towardcontext-contingentandlocalforms of knowledgein education, with particular emphasis onstudents

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Knowledge, Ict and Education - A Variety of Perspectives Erik Bratland, Dorota Siemieniecka, Bronisław Siemieniecki
978-83-8019-319-2/Erik Bratland, Dorota Siemieniecka, Bronisław

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