Polskie dyskusje o integracji europejskiej po II wojnie światowej w historycznej...
Author: Antoni Marszałek
Published: 2010
The book by Professor Joanna Marszałek-Kawa considers one of the key issues of the European integration: how the membership in the European Union influences a position of national parliaments. It is significant because it is clear that the European integration changes roles and functions of national legislatives. [...] The book explains the Sejm’s position in the Polish political system, and it is not limited only to the influence of the membership in the European Union. It clearly presents main observations and it is easy to comprehend. The author based her analysis on the impresive data collection related to various aspects of parliament’s work. She reviewed a number of academic works, both Polish and international. Therefore the study will inspire new research questions within the academic community, but it can also motivate politicians and law-makers to consider how the parliament’s position can be modelled.
Review by Professor Dr. Jerzy Jaskiernia
Published: 2010
Published: brak danych
Published: brak danych