Ameryka. Tom. 3: Polityka i stosunki międzynarodowe
Autor: (red.) Tomasz Płudowski
Data wydania: 2008
- Brak w magazynie
Creativity is deeply rooted in human nature and is present in every human activity regardless its type. […] Education of creative people should take place from the very beginning, meaning at home, in kindergarten and in every level of school education. The aim of creative activity is to develop children";s activity in various fields of life. A child is creative in a natural way. It is his way to externalize and internalize the world we live in. It is mainly connected to the changes taking place in one;s personality and in their environment. Education may play a significant role in child;s creativity development. Therefore I strive for a systemic and multi-faceted description of integrated factors which condition child;s creativity. Systemic research allows to characterizechild;"s creativity, choosing and describing its most vital components from the perspective of wholeness.
The book is addressed far and foremost to: 1) child education teachers; 2) preschool and early school pedagogy students; 3) pedagogical authorities […] and 4) people interested in the issue of creativity in child pedagogy.
From the Introduction
Data wydania: 2008
Data wydania:
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Data wydania: brak danych