  • ksiazka

(eds.) Łukasz Ho Thanh, Przemysław Łonyszyn

Asia in the 21st century: conflicts and disputes

  • ISBN: 978-83-7780-838-2
  • Data wydania: 20
  • Liczba stron: undefined
978-83-7780-838-2/(eds.) Łukasz Ho Thanh, Przemysław Łonyszyn/20
16,91 zł

This book is a result of the VI International Conference of PhD students of Szczecin University where the authors presented the outcomes of their research on Asian countries. All the collected papers are well documented and provide some very interesting and unexpected conclusions that confirm the increasing role of this continent on the global scene. The papers also show that contemporary Asia is still strongly linked with its past and that the past is the key to understand this continent, its countries, and its people. This book is compulsory for every keen admirer of Asia and is dedicated to everyone who would like to be called one.



Asia in the 21st century: conflicts and disputes (eds.) Łukasz Ho Thanh, Przemysław Łonyszyn
978-83-7780-838-2/(eds.) Łukasz Ho Thanh, Przemysław Łonyszyn/20

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