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Learning and Reading Strategies of Future Teachers in International Comparison
978-83-8019-293-5/( ed.) Kateřina Juklová /2015/268
Our text is centred on the study strategies of future teachers. As educators of future teachers, we pose the question whether and how the study strategies, which are being learnt by students during their tertiary education, acquired and reinforced. could become part of their permanent repertoire of behaviour. Our further question was whether those strategies can really lead towards more effective learning and are potentially useful to be passed on to future generations.
Czech Republic has witnessed extensive changes in the teaching profesion, partly represented by a change in the role of the teacher, as well as by many social changes leading to new motives, goals and tasks for the generation of future teachers. A reflection on the effects and their consequences for the strategies of young people in teacher training was one of the goals reasons for writing this publication. A such changes are not only specific to Czech education, but are increasingly gaining European - wide attention, our interest was also focused on future teachers from Poland, another European country with similar legal standards and political influences.
The answers to these questions can be found in the second part of the book describing the results of two empirical surveys based on a quantitative research pattern. Their aim was to identify and compare preferred learning and reading strategies of Czech and Polish future teachers in the context of current conditions.